An ISO Certified Company

Code Of Conduct
The Board of Directors (The “Board”) of Kesar Terminals and Infrastructure Limited (the “Company”) have adopted the following Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) to ensure compliance with the requirement of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement entered into with Stock Exchanges
The Code is applicable to the following persons, referred to as "Officer(s)".
All Directors of the Company;
Senior Executives one level below the executive directors, including all functional heads.
The main purpose of the Code is to provide highest standards of professionalism and commitment backed by ethical business practices and compliance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations. The matters covered in this Code are of utmost importance to the Company, its shareholders and its business partners and are essential to the Company for carrying on it’s operations in a fair and transparent manner.
This Code lays down the standards of conduct that shall apply to its directors and all employees of the Company and shall come into force from the listing of the securities on the Stock Exchange. close this