An ISO Certified Company

The Company believes that sound corporate Governance is critical to enhance and retain a stakeholder's trust. Accordingly, the company has consistently practiced good corporate governance. The company creates an environment for an efficient and ethical conduct of business to enable the Management to meet its obligations in a fair, transparent and equitable manner to all stakeholders. The company envisages the attainment of a high level of transparency and accountability in the functioning of the company and the conduct of its business internally and externally.
We comply with the SEBI Guidelines in respect of corporate governance, especially with respect to broad basing of the board, constituting the committees such as the Audit Committee and the Shareholders'/Investors' Grievance Committee. We are also in compliance with the requirements of SEBI circular bearing numberSEBI/CFD/DIL/CG/1/2004, which notifies revised corporate governance guidelines, by the required date (currently notified as December 31, 2005) for listed entities.
Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Ltd. has carved out the following committees of our Board of Directors for institutionalizing compliance with corporate governance requirements:
Audit Committee
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Stakeholder's Relationship's Committee
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee